Kickass PM offers a sense of community for Digital PMs where you can have a few drinks, talk shop, and learn about what's trending in the PM world.
This is the perfect place for going into more detail about yourself, your project, or your organization. You can talk about how your idea started, how long you’ve been working on it, what it stands for, and why it’s important. The more specific you are, the more visitors can engage with what you do. This is also an opportunity to answer any questions they may have about you or your work.
our team
Tracy got her start in project management back in 2010. Since moving to Austin in 2012, she’s spent the past five years flexing her PM muscles in the digital agency space. She now is the Product Management lead at Handsome and works with clients to help solve digital problems. Find her at the rock climbing gym or cruising on her bike through Hyde Park.
After several years teaching high school English, Christine got her start as a client-facing UX researcher. She eventually made the jump to project management and never looked back. She now manages in-house digital projects at Whole Foods Market. She is active in her neighborhood’s community garden and plays lead tambourine in the Holcombe Family Band.
Shahin murray
cecelia hoy
Dina fitzpatrick
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We're always looking for PMs who are interested in spreading our mission. If you're interested in writing for our blog, hosting an event, or have a request for a meetup topic, click the link below.
Kickass PM exists because of awesome sponsors we find each year. Not able to be a full sponsor but interested in showing us some love?